Forest Home Farms Garden

San Ramon

Years gardened at this location: The native plant garden was installed in stages, beginning 3 years ago

Size: 9,000 square feet have been restored

Showcase feature: The banks of Oak Creek, once over-run with periwinkle, are now being freed by volunteers and planted with more than 40 species of California native plants, most local to this area. Majestic oaks, bays, buckeyes, and maples now tower over the plants that were here 250 years ago. Native plants are now volunteering, and pop up unexpectedly around the restoration site.


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Gardening for Wildlife: Habitat along this seasonal stream’s banks was greatly improved when the monoculture of periwinkle began to be removed. Now, a diversity of native plants provides food, shelter, and places to nest. Brushpiles and logs provide shelter for lizards, and a shallow birdbath provides water.

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