Temescal Farm Gardens


Years gardened at this location: 1.5 years

Lot size: 1,000 square feet (0.02 acre)

Showcase feature: The landscaping for this ‘green’ building is a demonstration garden of plants that are native to the Temescal Creek watershed. More than 50 species of plants that represent oak woodland, mixed evergreen forest, chaparral, creek corridor, and coastal prairie plant communities are included. This garden, which surrounds a commercial building parking lot, is a wonderful example of a business that is providing both habitat for wildlife and education for its customers. Josh Carmichael, of Carmichael Environmental, who designed and installed the garden, will be available throughout the day to answer questions.


Other garden attractions:


Gardening for Wildlife: Flowers bloom year-round and plants that are allowed to go to seed before they are pruned provide habitat and food for wildlife. Wildflowers, ferns. bulbs, berries, vines, trees, and shrubs attract birds, butterflies, lady bugs, and insects.


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