Laura Spain’s garden — #5   ♿️


Lot size: 970 sq. ft. front garden, 60% native

Garden Age: Garden was installed in 2010

Years on the Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour: 3

Showcase Feature
Inspired by the Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour, driven by a desire to reduce water use and create habitat for wildlife, and helped by a rebate from the Contra Costa Water District’s “Lawn to Garden” rebate program, Laura sheet mulched the lawn away. After consulting with a native plant designer to get help with the basic layout and planting plan, Laura did the rest. Soil was brought in to create the gently undulating berms that provide the drainage that most natives need. Paths were created from decomposed granite. The garden was heavily mulched with wood chips to conserve water and prevent weeds. In spring the waxy pink flowers of the manzanitas are followed by blossoms of creamy yarrow and naked buckwheats, which give way to the red, tubular flowers of the fuchsia and vibrant orange of monkeyflowers.

Other Garden Attractions

  • Weeds are pulled by hand.
  • A concrete path was broken up and used to make the small retaining wall at the front of the garden.
  • Find out how you can receive a rebate of up to $1000 to remove and replace your lawn with a water-wise garden! At this garden, flyers will be available with information on the Contra Costa Water District’s Lawn to Garden Rebate and free Landscape Design Assistance Program. If you include 70% or more natives in your plan you can have your own garden on the Tour!

Gardening for Wildlife Now that the ecological desert has been replaced by plants that provide pollen and nectar, fifteen species of birds, as well as native bees and butterflies visit the garden.  Monarch butterflies flutter to the milkweed that was planted just for them.  Aphids on the milkweed attract ladybugs and birds.  Lizards sun themselves on the rocks.  The bird bath is heavily used in the hot Concord summers.

Garden Talks 12:00 and 3:00 “How to sheet-mulch your lawn away!” by Laura Spain

Plant list

Bird list


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