Nancie Ryan’s garden


Lot size: 250 sq. ft. front garden, 200 sq. ft. side garden, 2,100 sq. ft., back garden, 60% native

Garden Age: Garden was installed in March of 2017

Years on the Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour: New this year!

Showcase Feature

It was all about the birds, bees, and butterflies for long-time Tour-goer Nancie (who has been on almost every Tour since its inception in 2005!). Shortly after moving into her new home Nancie removed the lawns (and received a $1,500 rebate from Save Our Water), and replaced the turf and many of the non-native plants with colorful natives that attract pollinators. A waterfall and bog provide water for wildlife, and the sound of falling water draws birds and people alike. This inviting garden was designed cooperatively by Kelly Marshall of Kelly Marshall Garden Design and Nancie.

Other Garden Attractions 12

• One of the side gardens in the back yard is a large perennial meadow containing bunchgrasses and a variety of annuals; the other is a cozy nook tucked into a tranquil planted area.

• Drop down and rest in one of the many seating areas in the glassed-in deck that overlooks the back garden. You’ll want to linger.

• Ask Nancie how to attract bees, butterflies, and birds to your garden!

Gardening for Wildlife 6

Western bluebirds nest in the garden; quail forage for seeds and insects. Bright yellow orioles flit about, searching for insects, while hummingbirds sip nectar from the monkeyflowers, fuchsia, and penstemon. Sparrow, finches, and robins splash in the pond. Coyote mint, sages, and buckwheats provide pollen and nectar to bees. A large stand of our local milkweed has been planted for monarchs. Anise swallowtail butterflies flutter through the garden. Blue bellied lizards bask on the boulders.

Plant list


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