
Noel Plummer’s garden


Lot size: 400 sq. ft. front garden 100% native, 1,000 sq. ft. back garden 30% native

Garden Age: Garden was installed in April, 2010

Years on the Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour: New this year!

Showcase Feature This small front garden, designed by Rick Alatorre of Alatorre Garden Design, shows how even the most diminutive of spaces can be varied, beautiful, and attract winged visitors. The California lilac that graces the entranceway provides welcome greenery throughout the year. A vibrant medley of orange and yellow monkeyflowers, creamy yarrow, purple coyote mint, lavender seaside daisies, pink sea thrifts, and rosy buckwheats flourish in this sunny front garden. Other Garden Attractions plummer-2

  • The compact back garden fulfills an assortment of functions: the mini-lawn is just big enough for a child to play on; petite but prolific veggie, strawberry and herb boxes line the walkway; bountiful Pink Lady and Braeburn apple trees are tucked against the house.
  • Low water consuming, low maintenance natives line the perimeter of the back garden and fill the one large corner. Rogers Red grape greens the fenceline.
  • Existing concrete walk was reused in the new tasteful new path, which curves gracefully from the driveway, past the front steps, and around to the back garden.

Gardening for Wildlife plummer-3 California towhees, goldfinches, black-headed phoebes, mourning doves and hummingbirds visit the garden.  Skippers and native bees adore the coyote mint.  Newts are found in damp places. Plant list


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