
Sharon and Cliff Watts’ garden – #2


Lot size: 1,100 sq. ft. front garden, 70% native

Garden Age: Garden was installed in 2016

Years on the Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour: New this year!

Showcase Feature
Inspired by the Tour, informed by a sheetmulching talk that Tour host Chris Dundon gave at his garden in 2016, and financially assisted by rebates from the East Bay Municipal Utility District and Save Our Water, Sharon and Cliff sheetmulched their lawn away with cardboard and wood chips (ask how!). They then designed and installed the irrigation system for this colorful, low-maintenance, water-conserving garden. In spring this peaceful garden contains a medley of lavender seaside daisy and sages, purple penstemon and irises, yellow gum plant, and yellow, orange, and red monkeyflowers.

Other Garden Attractions img_6506
• Gentle berms create visual interest, and provide the drainage most natives need.
• No pesticides are used in this—or any!—Tour garden.
• Check out the “before” photos.

Gardening for Wildlife
Bees are attracted to the three types of sages (white, Cleveland, and ‘Bee’s Bliss’), and butterflies are attracted to the yarrow and gum plant. Hummingbirds sip nectar from the penstemon, monkeyflower, and fuchsia. Lizards bask in the sun, salamanders make homes for themselves in the shady, damp parts of the garden.

Garden Talks
12:00 “How to sheet mulch a lawn and install a water-conserving garden” by Sharon and Cliff Watts

Plant list


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