Tim and Michelle Inama

Tim and Michelle Inama’s Garden


Lot size: 3,000 sq. ft. front and sides, 2,700 sq. ft back garden 90% native

Garden Age: Native garden was installed early in 2007

Years on the Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour: 2

Showcase feature:
Tim and Michelle bought this house in large part because of the huge oak in the front garden, a remnant of the magnificent oak woodland that once blanketed this area. The challenge was to garden under it; Michael Thilgen and the team at Four Dimensions Landscape Company were up to the task. They designed and installed a garden that incorporates local woodland natives that look, naturally, as though they belong here, and thrive in the dappled shade of the oak. These plants include coral bells, bunchgrasses, yerba buena, and strawberry. The sunnier areas on the periphery of the garden are home to currants, native rose, yarrow, coffeeberry, and fuchsia.

Tim and Michelle InamaOther garden attractions:
• This garden was watered four times last summer.
• Don’t miss the dog sculptures in the front garden, and the heart-shaped flagstones in the back garden path.
• Beefy deergrass line the flagstone path leading to the back garden.Tim and Michelle Inama
• Natural stone fountain burbles pleasantly in the back garden.
• Permeable decomposed gravel path allows water to percolate into the soil.

Gardening for Wildlife:
Hummingbirds love the hummingbird sage. In early spring a variety of native bees go wild over the Cleveland and black sages.

Garden Talk: Meet the Designer, Michael Thilgen of Four Dimensions Landscape, from 10:00-2:00. 10:30 “Designing a native garden under oaks: unique local character, special cultural requirements, and appropriate plant selection” and 12:00 “Designing a hillside garden” both by Michael Thilgen

Plant List

Tim and Michelle Inama’s plant list


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